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How to make a wand

1. Find a branch either on the ground or on a tree, preferably as long as from your pinky to your elbow. If you found one on a tree, leave an offering such as fruit or water for the tree.

2. Use sandpaper to sand off the bark, stubs, and leaves.

3. Use a knife to whittle a handle. This can be elaborate designs, or just a regular handle.

4. Carve symbols and runes into the wand that are meaningful to you, This may be a pentacle, the triple goddess symbol, ect.

5. Glue a crystal to the tip. This can be any crystal or gem depending on what you will be using it for. For general purposes, quartz works best. You can add a many on the rest of the wand as you like. 6. Make your wand personal to you. Be creative! Some choose to paint their wands, add clay, ribbons, or any sort of decoration.

7. Be sure to cleanse your wand using blessed water, sage, and or infusing it with your power.

You're done! Your wand is now completed.

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